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Conjunction Junction

La chanson originale : Conjunction Junction de Jack Sheldon (1973)

Ecrite par : Bob Dorough

Dans Glee :

  • Episode 207

Interpretée par Holly Holliday
> Voir le clip sur la fiche de l'épisode

Moment dans l'épisode : 6.20 minutes, Holly est la remplacante en cours d'anglais

Ecrit par Musavana 


Version TV:

Holly :
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
Hooking up cars and making 'em function.
I've got three favorite cars that get most of my job done.
Conjunction Junction, what's their function?

Version Originale:

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I've got three favorite cars that get most of my job done.
Conjunction Junction, what's their function?
I've got and, but, and or.
They'll get you pretty far.

That's an additive, like this and that.
That's sort of the opposite,
not this but that.
And then there's Or. O-R,
when you have a choice like this or that
And, but, and or get you pretty far!

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two boxcars and making 'em run right.
Milk and honey, bread and butter, peas and rice,
(Hey that's nice)
Dirty but happy, digging and scratchin'.
Losing your shoe and a button or two,
He's poor but honest, sad but true,

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two cars to one
When you say something like this choice
Either now or later
Or no choice:
Neither now nor ever.
(Hey that's clever)
Eat this or that, Grow thin or fat
Never mind, I wouldn't do that
I'm fat enough now!

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hookin' up phrases and clauses that balance, like:
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
He cut loose the sandbags,
but the balloon wouldn't go any higher.
Let's go up to the mountains or down to the seas.
You should always say Thank you,
Or at least say Please!

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hookin'-up words and phrases and clauses
in complex sentences like:
"In the mornings, when I am usually wide awake, I love to take a walk through the gardens and down by the lake, where I often see a duck and a drake, and I wonder as I walk by what they would say if they could speak, although I know that's an absurd thought."

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hookin'-up cars and making them function.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I like tying up words and phrases and clauses.

Conjunction Junction, watch that function!
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful. 

*La version CD n'existe pas pour cette chanson

Ecrit par brochy 


Pour l'instant, aucun morceau n'a été ajouté dans cette galerie musicale.
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